What is your returns policy?

We strive to deliver you the best in quality and value, if for any reason you are not satisfied with your order we are happy to take back the product and issue you a full refund of your purchase. 

Our Return & Refund Policy provides more detailed information about options and procedures for returning your order.

What are the shipping options?

We partnered with Australia Post and Australia Post Express for shipping within Australia. 

Our Shipping Policy page provides more detailed information about the terms and conditions that constitute our shipping policy.

When will my order be shipped?

Typically, your order will be shipped out same day or next business day business day after payment is received in full, you will be notified via email with the tracking details.

Which shipping service do we use?

We mainly use Australia Post for shipping.

How do I track my order?

Your tracking number will be sent to you the same day as the goods will be shipped out.

How much is delivery?

Free Shipping Australia-Wide on all products, while Express Delivery is available for an extra charge.

Do you provide express delivery?

Yes, we do offer Express Delivery Service. Please ensure you select the correct delivery option when checking out with your purchase.

Do I need an account to place an order?

No, you can place an order as a guest. However, having an account will speed your check out process for next time.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept payments through Credit Card, Debit Card, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay & Shop Pay.

Is it safe to pay with credit/debit card?

Yes, All payment information submitted by our customers is kept confidential. All Credit Card and Debit Card payments are processed over a secure encrypted connection, with the highest level of security and confidentiality. Only authorized personnel have the right to access this information. See more information on our Privacy Policy.

Is my personal information safe?

Yes, your personal information is safe, please read our Privacy Policy.

Do you share my information with third parties?

Our organization adheres to a strict policy of non-disclosure of personal data and customer information to third parties. See more information on our Privacy Policy.

When will I receive my order?

All orders made before 11:00AM are processed within 0-1 business days. Orders are not shipped or delivered on weekends or holidays.

If we are experiencing a high volume of orders, shipments may be delayed by a few days. Please allow additional days in transit for delivery. If there will be a significant delay in shipment of your order, we will contact you via email or telephone.

What should I do if I never receive my order?

Delivery delays can occasionally occur. If you failed to receive your order, please let us know by email support@supeak.com.au.

A customer service representative will locate your order and inform you of next steps.

What do I do if I receive a defective order?

We stand by the quality of our products and we perform quality assurance tests before shipping them to our valued customers. Despite this we cannot always ensure a safe delivery. If your item arrives broken or with an issue, please contact us within 30 days and we will get back to you with a solution.

How do I make changes to an order I’ve already placed?

Unfortunately, once an order has been processed, there cannot be any changes made to the order. We process every order at the end of every day at 12:00 AM EST. If you want to cancel or change your order, please contact us at support@supeak.com.au before 12:00 AM EST.

Where are you located?

SUPEAK is located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

How do I contact your company if my question isn’t answered here?

You are welcome to contact us via email support@supeak.com.au, We will reply to you as soon as possible. 

How do I know my payment has been received?

If you pay via credit card or PayPal, your order confirmation should indicate that payment has been completed.